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0 votes
My sister is always showing me pictures, tapes, videos, and telling me stories about Slender Man. Then my dad makes sure I understand it is a joke. Then when I think about it the stuff my sister shows me it seems pretty real. Now i'm tied between two ends. Is slender man real or not?
in Other by (280 points)  

3 Answers

0 votes
No. Slender man is not real. Sometimes when you take a picture there is a shawdow at an odd angle and it looks like a tiny man. Then for some reason after old people paint a picture of Slender Man they die (It is a coinceadince). Then there chidren make some false story about how a gigantic man was holding him. So I guess the answer is no.
by (280 points)  
0 votes
Boy Slenderman is not real.

      But is bloody mary......
0 votes
no its a stupied game
by (890 points)  
