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i am about to be 17 in 3 days and my back has been hurting since last month  my mom is taking me to the doctor tomorrow but i'm scared what they are gonna say please someone give me a answer fast ! but it hurts when i sit straight in like a school desk , when i bend down , when i stay in the same spot for a min or two , & i pop my back when it hurts so like 5 times a day it will stop hurting for a little but then it goes back to pain all in my lower and upper back mostly in my lower. but it hurts so bad like i don't understand someone please help me understand whats going on !?!
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sept 20th may be late . should always try to get an MRI . It wont hurt at all , and there are no side effects . and with the MRI you will get a detailed report of exactly what is wrong . unlike x-rays which are practically useless. the answer about stretching I agree with . especially if you use exercise stretch bands

2 Answers

0 votes
I am no doctor. Sounds like that you have a spine problem. They may be able to fix it using physical therapy.
0 votes
It could be a variety of things: (1) misaligned spine - sometimes this happens if you carry a heavy book bag, have bad posture or sit a lot at a desk or computer. (2) weak back muscles (3) stress.
by (1.2k points)  
