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I am looking for ideas for a startup business that requires little or no money to start, a business that is new and people have to have like toilet paper.
in Business and Finance by  

1 Answer

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Hello, this depends on if you like direct selling, and marketing. I myself am a Marketing Management Technology student at my states community college I will be transferring to my states University to finishing my bachelors degree in Marketing Management. I also own my own Independent Representative Business as a Authorized Independent Executive Trainer Representative of 5LINX products and services which intel; business and home security solutions,  Home entertainment and, digital home phone and business Voip phone services, wireless phones and services ( which are amazing), wellness for individuals, business and families and so much more.  
     So, with that being said I am an encouraging Representative of 5LINX and would encourage you to look there. At 5LINX therefore I would be happy to give you the information needed and even help you to your goal of owning your own business. When you send your reply leave your email, or if you feel more comfortable you can email me a reply at Hopefully I will have helped you in your quest, Have a great day.
by (190 points)  
