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0 votes
I have always had the problem with the fitted sheet popping off the corner of the mattress and the sheet getting wrinkled and loose. I have tried all the straps and clips but giant safety pins work the best but the sheet will eventually tear and the mattress get messed up. Any suggestions? Yes, I have tried the suspenders and all the things at Bed Bath and Beyond and Linens and Things.

When the sheets are new, they work better but the elastic always dies out and I can't keep buying new bed sheets just because the elastic is weak.

This is a real pain in the butt!

Thanks for listening...
in Home and Garden by (140 points)  

1 Answer

0 votes
Wow, it's a be problem all around and I don't know why people don't know about drawstring sheets. I am spreading the word. I have a set on my temper-pedic bed and I couldn't be happier. The sheet never moves and I can enjoy the full value of my $1,200 mattress. I was very unhappy because the mattress protector needed to validate warranty is very slippery and there were no sheets I could find that would stay on. I know what you mean about the straps. I had those on my other mattress but they would not work on the new one! I found the drawstring sheets on another forum. They only have white now. I guess they are just starting out so lets spread the word so they can get more colors and fabric choices. It's here:
