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in Education by (120 points)  

1 Answer

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Skeeter is eager to get out of Mississippi for a couple of reasons. The most prominent of these is that she is fundamentally different from the other women in Jackson.  Skeeter sees more for herself than marrying someone in Jackson and becoming so immediately domesticated.  She can no longer continue her friendships with the women for this reason.  Skeeter is feeling alienated from life in Jackson because she is increasing in her divergence and desire to explore more of her identity than the socially constructed reality of what is accepted.

At the same time, Skeeter's defiance towards the Southern mode of segregation is increasing.  Through her work with the help and the women of color in Jackson, Skeeter is beginning to understand that her moral objection to segregation is moving her to a point where she can no longer stay in Jackson. Source

by (17.1k points)  
