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0 votes
I answered an ad for pool table. State they are out of states currently, want to use ebay's buyer protection plan to send pool table.  Will not say where pool table is located so that I can see, stated it is already boxed for shipping.  Communicating by gmail.  Post # is 4318405779 MINT 9 ft, gloss black brunswick gold crown I Pool table  $900.  Can you verify that this ad is fraudulent or not?
in Posting Classified Ads by  

2 Answers

0 votes
That is not one of our ads. However, it does sound like one of the scam ads: seller is out of the country, and items are boxed for shipping.
by (4.3k points)  
0 votes
be very carefull buying from individuals selling anything on ebay. Too many scams. For 900 bucks you can get one somewhere new, try amazon, But shipping will kill your bank account BTW.
