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0 votes
  • i was at a local HEB and i need food really bad so i went in and got some suff to snack on as i was walking out a worker grabed me but i ran away with everything i had can the cops still come arest me.??????????
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I find that question interesting , in that it means a lot of kids might think the same way . that if they can get away ; then its ok . may explain why they run , not realizing that running  only adds to the charges.
its not a contest or game . you cant win if they know who you are; or can identify you

2 Answers

0 votes

Yes they can. When you need food really bad, go to your community social services and get the location of the soup kitchen/s.

by (17.1k points)  
0 votes
Yes. They can arrest you at any time during the statue of limitation for that offense. Sometimes it is years ..depending upon the grade of offense.
by (1.2k points)  
