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First off, I'm asking on here first instead of calling a doctor because I've been going in way to much lately and I don't want to set up an appointment unless I feel there is a need to. My doctor won't diagnose symptoms over the phone so I would have to go in to find any answers. Well, here is the problem: Every month for a few months now I have had what looks like brown mucus (sorry, gross..I know!). I am on birth control so when I go to start my period, I have brown mucus discharge for 3 out of 4 of the days I'm suppose to be on my period. I've read that you can sometimes have that and it's just blood from your last period. But I haven't had a full period in months now and when the stuff does come out, it's a LOT.Anyone know whats up with that and if it could be cause for concern? Another question: My husband got worried because he thought I could be pregnant. He never finishes inside of me but we also don't use condoms. I know birth control is not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy but how would you figure that you MIGHT be pregnant on birth control? Do you just stop your period even though the pill makes you have it at a certain time or what happens?

in Health and Beauty by (120 points)  

1 Answer

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See your gynocologist and have her put you on a different birth control. You should get the implant rather than using the pills. The pills mess up cycles. Also, doucing will help to flush left over residue of your cycle. 

by (17.1k points)  
