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0 votes
would like some way out of deadlock situation .

cant get anyone , -  legal or medical  - to do anything.
in Health and Beauty by (180 points)  

2 Answers

0 votes
Well, if you are sick, and your refuse to take medications, what can your doctor do? If you have concerns about the medications, discuss with your doctor. Unfortunately, for some mentally ill, medication is the only way. Do talk to your doctor, or seek a second opinion.
0 votes
Family members could go to the court (usually probate..but you would have to check with your city clerk of court or state laws to determine which court) and ask for the person to be committed (usually this would be temporarily) to get them on their medication and stabilized if they were a danger to themselves or others (they may be if they are refusing meds). If they were in legal trouble the judge in the court where the case was could ORDER them to take their medication as part of there case. It is a difficult situation. Also, someone could petition to be their "guardian" ..usually in probate court and could make sure they took the medicine. Certain medications can be administered through a shot and the person would get 1x per month. That usually helps with noncompliance. But you would have to check with their doctor to see if that were an option.
by (1.2k points)  
