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I had gone to court on june 25th 2013 for an order of protection. the judge gave my ex in laws mother temporary custody. the things it says on this order is I get supervised visits , cannot take my daughter out of the state, ( but in law has let me do both already ) it also says respondent is restrained from interfering with petitioners physical or legal custody of the said minor ... except through court action , and respondent is restrained from removing from the state the said child except through court action.. my question is what do I need to file to get in front of the judge to get my daughter back ??? I also had court on November 1st for same alligations same order same everything and it was dismissed . I got full custody of my son back ...whats my next step to get my daughter back ??? I have not enough money to get an attorney and have been doing all the court stuff myself and now am stuck on this issue :(
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