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0 votes
I am in another state and just found out I have 2 warrents for my arrest ,I have no money and can't go to the state

the warrents are right now ,I am on state assentence and cannot pay to have these taken off and cannot travel to another

state to fight or explain.Can you tell me what to do ?
in Legal by  

1 Answer

0 votes
It will depend on what type of warrant you have outstanding. For example, if the warrant is for a ticket the agency may let you pay for it without appearing and lift the warrant when payment was received. If that was the case you would need to contact the court or agency that issued the warrant and make arrangements with them. If it were a probation warrant, you would need to call the probation officer and try to reach a resolution. Other warrants would probably require you to appear (ex. if it were a new felony charge) Misdemeanor charges sometimes can be resolved by paying a fine. You can call whatever agency that issued the warrant and try to resolve it that way.
by (1.2k points)  
